Thursday, September 30, 2010

Self Care Practices
This summer we asked deacons to share their self-car practices and we heard from a few of you. The following list contains the practices that were submitted by a few of our deacons.
  • Keep Mondays free of church work. Adhere to a "NO Lists on the Sabbath" routine. On Mondays, this deacon doesn't make any lists and doesn't do anything on a "check-off" list.
  • One deacon joined a Friday night golf league.
  • Creativity. This deacon tries to do something creative every evening. "Whether it's making jewelry, sewing, painting, photography, embroidery, knitting, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm using the 'other side' of my brain!"

So, what do you do? To comment or add your self-care practice, please feel free to add a post!